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Editorial Illustrations

Drone Bees

An illustration to demonstrate the future of the earth as bees continue to die out at an increasing rate, along with a fictionalized solution of drone bees to fulfil their task in the ecosystem.

This illustration combines both vector illustration and digital painting to further demonstrate the incorporation of machine enhancement into a biological ecosystem. The drones were created as vectors to indicate the uniformity of technology, and the bees were individually digitally painted to show the uniqueness and individuality of biological evolution.


History of Camaros

An illustrated documentation of the history of the car brand Chevrolet Camaro, from the first generation to the 6th generation in a simplistic manner.

Using clean line work along with colour to render details within the car, the initial idea was to utilize the concept illustration style of loose line work and basic shadows and highlights. But as the illustrations developed the rendering started getting more refined.

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